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Meet the Team of Camporo!


How did it all begin?

It was on New Years Eve, three Years ago, that fate intervened in the most unexpected way. A message from the Kindergarden emerged, announcing an unexpected closure. At that Moment, Ulrike looked around and came across a life changing decision. "I think i want to stay here in Spain" she said to her husband , a spark of Excitement in her eyes. Back in Germany, Ulrike navigated the world of Sales, however life in Spain had different plans to the adventurer.

That's when the light bulp moment struck - Camporo!

Camporo became a new found passion whilst Ulrike discovered a way to blend work with pleasure.

So we are pursuing a Dream.

Welcome to Camporo!

Do you wanna know us?

People who consider joining a marketplace want to know who’s behind it. Here we are.

Ulrike Ullrich-Wulf, Founder

Ulrike Ullrich-Wulf

Mobil: +49 17688265564

Sabine von Reth

Sabine von Reth

Consultant Marketing/PR/Events

Sonia Ingriselli

Sonia Ingriselli

Consultant Web Development